RIT on Statistics Archives for Fall 2020 to Spring 2021

Introduction to Small Area Estimation

When: Tue, February 2, 2021 - 3:30pm
Where: Online
Speaker: Partha Lahiri (Professor, Department of Mathematics and Joint Program in Survey Methodology) - https://www.math.umd.edu/~plahiri/
Abstract: https://www.math.umd.edu/~plahiri/

An overview of small area estimation

When: Tue, February 9, 2021 - 3:30pm
Where: ONLINE https://umd.zoom.us/j/6489463707
Speaker: Partha Lahiri (University of Maryland College Park) - https://www.math.umd.edu/~plahiri/
Abstract: https://www.math.umd.edu/~plahiri/

Parametric bootstrap methods in small area estimation

When: Tue, February 16, 2021 - 3:30pm
Where: ONLINE https://umd.zoom.us/j/6489463707
Speaker: Snigdhansu Chatterjee (University of Minnesota) - https://cla.umn.edu/about/directory/profile/chatt019
Abstract: https://www.math.umd.edu/~plahiri/

Data fusion for solving small area estimation

When: Tue, February 23, 2021 - 3:30pm
Where: ONLINE https://umd.zoom.us/j/6489463707
Speaker: Benjamin Kedem (University of Maryland College Park) - https://www.math.umd.edu/~bnk/
Abstract: https://www.math.umd.edu/~plahiri/

Small area estimation projects in the World Bank

When: Tue, March 2, 2021 - 3:30pm
Where: ONLINE https://umd.zoom.us/j/6489463707
Speaker: David Newhouse (The World Bank) - https://www.worldbank.org/en/about/people/d/david-newhouse
Abstract: https://www.math.umd.edu/~plahiri/

Small area applications in transportation

When: Tue, March 9, 2021 - 3:30pm
Where: ONLINE https://umd.zoom.us/j/6489463707
Speaker: Cinzia Cirillo (University of Maryland College Park) - https://cee.umd.edu/clark/faculty/253/Cinzia-Cirillo
Abstract: https://www.math.umd.edu/~plahiri/

A model-based approach to predict employee compensation components

When: Tue, March 23, 2021 - 3:30pm
Where: ONLINE https://umd.zoom.us/j/6489463707
Speaker: Andreea Erciulescu (Westat) - https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=5knoyMEAAAAJ&hl=en
Abstract: https://www.math.umd.edu/~plahiri/

Small area estimation in the presence of measurement error in the covariates

When: Tue, March 30, 2021 - 3:30pm
Where: ONLINE https://umd.zoom.us/j/6489463707
Speaker: Carolina Franco (Census Bureau) - https://www.census.gov/research/researchers/profile.php?cv_sub=div&cv_profile=3920
Abstract: https://www.math.umd.edu/~plahiri/

Parametric bootstrap for small area estimation

When: Tue, April 6, 2021 - 3:30pm
Where: ONLINE https://umd.zoom.us/j/6489463707
Speaker: Takumi Saegusa (University of Maryland College Park) - https://www-math.umd.edu/people/faculty/item/1241-tsaegusa.html
Abstract: https://www.math.umd.edu/~plahiri/

Parametric Bootstrap/Estimation of Variance of Random Effects

When: Tue, April 13, 2021 - 3:15pm
Where: ONLINE: https://umd.zoom.us/j/6489463707
Speaker: Sheyda Peyman and Phillip Koshute (University of Maryland College Park) -
Abstract: http://math.umd.edu/~plahiri/

Hybrid BRR and Parametric-Model Variance Estimates for Small Domains in Large Surveys

When: Tue, April 20, 2021 - 3:30pm
Where: ONLINE: https://umd.zoom.us/j/6489463707
Speaker: Eric Slud (University of Maryland College Park) - http://math.umd.edu/~slud/
Abstract: https://www.math.umd.edu/~plahiri/

Post-election Analysis of Presidential Election/Poll Data: Liars Continued to Lie But What Have Changed?

When: Tue, April 27, 2021 - 3:30pm
Where: ONLINE: https://umd.zoom.us/j/6489463707
Speaker: Jiming Jiang (University of California, Davis) - http://www.stat.ucdavis.edu/~jiang/
Abstract: https://www.math.umd.edu/~plahiri/


When: Tue, May 4, 2021 - 3:30pm
Where: ONLINE https://umd.zoom.us/j/6489463707
Speaker: Nathan Cruze & Lu Chen (USDA NASS) -
Abstract: https://www.math.umd.edu/~plahiri/