Student Dynamics Archives for Fall 2018 to Spring 2019

Topologically Mixing Interval Exchange Transformations

When: Tue, September 5, 2017 - 3:30pm
Where: Kirwan Hall 2400
Speaker: Jenny Rustad (UMD) -

Ergodic Theory of Systems with Random Switching

When: Tue, September 12, 2017 - 3:30pm
Where: Kirwan Hall 2400
Speaker: Kasun Fernando (UMD) -
Abstract: This is an overview of the work titled “Invariant densities for dynamical systems with random switching” by Yuri Bakhtin and Tobias Hurth published in Nonlinearity in 2012. In the paper they provide sufficient conditions for the existence of a unique ACIP for the random dynamical system resulting from an nonautonomous ODE with RHS that randomly switches among a finite family of smooth vector fields.

A Central Limit Theorem for the Kontsevich-Zorich Cocycle

When: Tue, September 19, 2017 - 3:30pm
Where: Kirwan Hall 2400
Speaker: Hamid Al-Saqban (UMD) -

Piecewise Smooth Fermi Ulan Pingpong with Potential

When: Tue, September 26, 2017 - 3:30pm
Where: Kirwan Hall 2400
Speaker: Jing ZHOU (UMD) -

The Automorphism Tower Problem

When: Tue, October 24, 2017 - 3:30pm
Where: Kirwan Hall 2400
Speaker: Jianlong Liu (UMD) -

Mixing in Special Flows on T^2

When: Tue, October 31, 2017 - 3:30pm
Where: Kirwan Hall 2400
Speaker: Hsin-Yi Lin (UMD) -

Almost Sure Invariance Principles (ASIPs)

When: Tue, February 13, 2018 - 3:15pm
Where: Kirwan Hall 1310
Speaker: Kasun Fernando (UMD) -
Abstract: ASIPs tell us that trajectories of dynamical systems are almost like Brownian motion trajectories with an error small compared to the size of the trajectories. In this talk we present how these extremely useful results can be obtained via the Nagaev Guivarc'h method.

A Coupling Lemma for Dispersive Billiards

When: Tue, February 27, 2018 - 3:15pm
Where: Kirwan Hall 1310
Speaker: Jing Zhou (UMD) -

Non-Uniformly Hyperbolic Flows and Shadowing

When: Tue, March 6, 2018 - 3:15pm
Where: Kirwan Hall 1310
Speaker: Sixu Liu (Peking University) -
Abstract: I will talk about Wenxiang Sun, Xueting Tian and Edson Vagas’s paper “Non-uniformly hyperbolic flows and shadowing.” Consider a hyperbolic ergodic measure of a C^1 flow on a compact manifold with a dominated splitting on the linear Poincare flow, we have some weak shadowing property. As an application of this result, we prove that the measure can be approached on the weak* topology by measures supported on periodic orbits.

Stability of Nonlinear Swarms on Flat and Curved Surfaces

When: Tue, April 10, 2018 - 3:15pm
Where: Kirwan Hall 1310
Speaker: Carl Kolon (Naval Academy) -
Abstract: This talk concerns the stability of a nonlinear parabolic potential model for a swarm. We will discuss the global behavior of a simplified decoupled system, and the local behavior of systems with more agents. We have generalized the model to curved surfaces, and will present numerical results displaying their behavior.

Moduli Space of Dilation Surfaces

When: Tue, April 17, 2018 - 3:15pm
Where: Kirwan Hall 1310
Speaker: Jenny Rustad (UMD) -
Abstract: I will discuss a paper by Selim Ghaziouani "Teichmuller Dynamics, Dilation Tori and Piecewise Affine Circle Homeomorphisms".

Large Deviation Principles for Dynamical Systems

When: Tue, April 24, 2018 - 3:15pm
Where: Kirwan Hall 1310
Speaker: Kasun Fernando (UMD) -

Introduction to KAM Method and Conjugacy Problem

When: Tue, May 1, 2018 - 3:15pm
Where: Kirwan Hall 1310
Speaker: Minsung Kim (UMD) -