Graduate Programs in Mathematics
The Mathematics Department is involved with three programs of graduate study. In addition to the Mathematics graduate program (MATH), the Department offers a program in Mathematical Statistics (STAT) and significantly participates in an interdisciplinary program in Applied Mathematics & Statistics, and Scientific Computation (AMSC).
Graduate Study in Mathematics
The Mathematics Department offers a rich and varied program of graduate study in mathematics. Through coursework and the writing of a thesis, students are prepared for careers in teaching and research in the mathematical sciences and their applications. Graduate students in any one of these programs can take courses across all three, and it is relatively simple to transfer between programs.
Research and Teaching Opportunities
Graduate students play a vital role in the research and teaching activities of the department. The full-time graduate student enrollment in all three degree programs is approximately 200, with many part-time students from the local professional community also enrolled.
Course Offerings
Course offerings are organized into general fields such as: Algebra and Number Theory, Complex Analysis, Logic, Numerical Analysis, Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Partial Differential Equations, Real and Functional Analysis, Statistics, Probability, and Topology and Geometry.
First-year graduate courses are taught every year in each field, with an average enrollment of 15-25 students. In these courses, students acquire the basic techniques necessary for research in mathematics and applied areas. Additionally, many advanced courses are offered in specialized topics that introduce students to areas of active research. The department offers around twenty advanced graduate courses each semester, making it possible to explore a wide range of topics. A list of faculty research interests can be seen here.
Advanced Undergraduate Courses
The department also offers a wide range of advanced undergraduate courses, providing an introduction to many areas of mathematics including geometry, probability, topology, numerical analysis, logic, and differential equations.
Ph.D. Degree Requirements
The requirements for the Ph.D. are similar across the three programs. Students must first take a set of written qualifying exams on material from basic first-year graduate courses. After passing these exams, they take advanced courses in a particular area to begin preparing for thesis work. A total of 36 credits (12 one-semester courses) is required for the Pure Mathematics Ph.D., while a total of 30 credits is required for the Ph.D. in Statistics. Admission to candidacy for the Ph.D. is granted after passing an oral examination based on advanced coursework or research papers. The dissertation is then written under the guidance of a faculty member, with the final thesis defense being an oral examination by a committee of faculty members.
M.A. Degree Requirements
The M.A. degree is granted to students who complete 24 credits of coursework and write a master's thesis. Alternatively, students may opt for a non-thesis M.A., which requires 30 credits of coursework and successful completion of the written qualifying exams at the master's level.
Policies and Expectations
Expectations for doctoral students and faculty are detailed in the Policies of the Graduate Program in Mathematics.