Click to view fullsizeThe Maryland Analysis and Geometry Atelier aims to bring together students and researchers working on analytic aspects of problems in geometry and dynamics.
The program will include a mix of mini-courses and research talks with an emphasis on introducing a variety of geometric and analytic techniques that could have wide applications to different problems in geometric analysis and related areas.
The main events of the workshop will be three 5-hour minicourses . In addition, each day there will be one research talk. The intention is to also allow ample time for discussion and collaboration.
Financial support for this event is available by a UMD (University of Maryland)-FAPESP (Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estad de Sao Paulo) seed grant to Piccione and Rubinstein and by the National Science Foundation GEAR (GEometric structures And Representation varieties) network.
Graduate students, postdocs, and early-career mathematicians are especially encouraged to participate and apply for financial support.
The registration deadline for the Maryland Analysis and Geometry Atelier is April 30th.