Abstract: We study the boundary layer theory for slightly viscous stationary flows forced by an imposed slip velocity at the boundary. According to the theory of Prandtl (1904) and Batchelor (1956), any Euler solution arising in this limit and consisting of a single ’eddy’ must have constant vorticity. Feynman and Lagerstrom (1956) gave a procedure to select the value of this vorticity by demanding a necessary condition for the existence of a periodic Prandtl boundary layer description. In the case of the disc, the choice – known to Batchelor (1956) and Wood (1957) - is explicit in terms of the slip forcing. For domains with non-constant curvature, Feynman and Lagerstrom give an approximate formula for the choice which is in fact only implicitly defined and must be determined together with the boundary layer profile. We show that this condition is also sufficient for the existence of a periodic boundary layer described by the Prandtl equations. Due to the quasilinear coupling between the solution and the selected vorticity, we devise a delicate iteration scheme coupled with a high-order energy method that captures and controls the implicit selection mechanism.
Abstract: Proving homogenization is a subtle issue for geometric equations due to the discontinuity when the gradient vanishes. To conclude homogenization, the work of Caffarelli-Monneau provides a sufficient condition, namely that perturbed correctors exist. However, some noncoercive equations recently studied do not satisfy this condition. In this talk, we present the homogenization result of geometric equations without using perturbed correctors. For coercive equations, a quantitative result is derived by the fact that they remain coercive under perturbation. We present an example that homogenizes with a rate slower than O(\varepilon) in the last part.
Abstract: We will discuss a recent result concerned with the surface quasi-geostrophic equation (SQG) with low-regularity initial data. Namely, given $s\in (3/2,2)$ and $\varepsilon >0$, we will describe a construction of a compactly supported initial data $\theta_0$ such that $\| \theta_0 \|_{H^s}\leq \varepsilon$ and there exist $T>0$, $c>0$ and a local-in-time solution $\theta$ of the SQG equation that loses Sobolev regularity continuously in time. To be precise, for each $t\in [0,T]$, $ \theta (\cdot ,t ) \in {H^{s/(1+ct)}}$ and $ \theta (\cdot ,t ) \not \in {H^\beta }$ for any $\beta > s/(1+ct)$. Moreover $\theta$ is compactly supported in space, continuous and differentiable on $\R^2\times [0,T]$, and is unique among all solutions with initial condition $\theta_0$ which belong to $C([0,T];H^{1+\alpha })$ for any $\alpha >0$.
Abstract: The study of gravity-capillary water waves has been an important question in mathematical fluid dynamics. In this talk, I will talk about the low regularity well-posedness of two-dimensional deep gravity-capillary water waves. By implementing the cubic modified energy method of Ifrim-Tataru in the context of gravity-capillary waves, the two-dimensional gravity-capillary water wave system is locally well-posed in $H^{s+\frac{1}{2}}\times H^s$ for s>1.
Abstract: The quantitative homogenization of Hamilton-Jacobi equations has garnered significant interest recently, particularly in the periodic and stochastic settings. In this talk, we present an algebraic convergence rate in a quasi-periodic setting. We establish a link between the convergence rate and the regularity of the effective Hamiltonian, using a new quantitative ergodic estimate for bounded quasi-periodic functions with Diophantine frequencies. As an application, we also analyze the convergence rate of the Birkhoff averages for unbounded quasi-periodic functions.
Abstract: In recent years, the behavior of solution fronts of reaction-diffusion equations in the presence of obstacles has attracted attention among many researchers. In this talk, I will consider the case where the obstacle is a wall with many holes and discuss whether the front can pass through the wall and continue to propagate (“propagation”) or is blocked by the wall (“blocking”). The answer depends largely on the size and the geometric configuration of the holes.
This problem has led to a variety of interesting mathematical questions that are far richer than we had originally anticipated. Many questions still remain open. This is joint work with Henri Berestycki and Francois Hamel.
Abstract: In this talk we will discuss recent results concerningstochastic (and deter- ministic) moving boundary problems, particularly arising in fluid-structure interaction (FSI), where the motion of the boundaryis not known a priori.Fluid-structure interaction refersto physical systems whose behavior is dictated by the interaction of an elasticbody and a fluidmass and it appears in various applications, ranging from aerodynamics to structural engi- neering. Our work is motivated by FSI modelsarising in biofluidic applications that describe the interactions between a viscous fluid,such as human blood, and an elasticstructure, such as a humanartery. To account for theunavoidable numerical and physical uncertainties in applications we analyzethese PDEs underthe influence of external stochastic (random) forces.We will considernonlinearly coupled fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problemsinvolving a viscous fluid in a 2D/3D domain,where part of the fluid domain boundaryconsists of an elastic deformable structure, and wherethe system is perturbed by stochastic effects.The fluid flow is described by the Navier-Stokes equations while the elastodynamics of the thin structure are modeled by shellequations. The fluid and thestructure are coupled via two sets of coupling conditions imposed at thefluid-structure interface. We willconsider the case where the structure is allowed to have unrestricted deformations and exploredifferent kinematic coupling conditions (no-slip and Navier slip)imposed at the randomly moving fluid-structure interface, the displacement ofwhich is not known a priori. We willpresent our results on the existence of (martingale) weak solutions to the(stochastic) FSI models. This is the first body of work that analyzes solutionsof stochastic PDEs posed on random and time-dependent domainsand a first step in the fieldtoward further researchon control problems, singularperturbation problems etc. We willfurther discuss our findings, which reveal a novel hidden regularity in thestructure’s displacement. This resulthas allowed us to address previously open problems in the 3D (deterministic)case involving large vec- torial deformations of the structure. We will discuss both the cases ofcompressible and incompressible fluid.
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