The Spring 2018 workshop will be held in memory of Bill Veech
Beginning in Fall 1991, the dynamics groups of the University of Maryland and Pennsylvania State University have jointly sponsored two annual three to four day meetings in dynamical systems and related topics: a spring meeting here in College Park, and a fall meeting in State College. These meetings, though primarily regional, also attract participants outside the region and the country; the conference archives indicate their scope.
The conference will begin Wednesday, April 4, in the afternoon.
Click here to see the schedule. Click here to see the titles and abstracts.
The 7th Michael Brin prize in dynamical systems will be awarded Sunday April 8, 2018.
- Jon Chaika (Utah)
- Alex Eskin (Chicago)
- Jon Fickenscher (Princeton)
- Simion Filip (Harvard)
- Hillel Furstenberg (Jerusalem)
- Eli Glasner (Tel Aviv)
- Rodolfo Gutierrez-Romo (Paris)
- Ursula Hamenstädt (Bonn)
- Pat Hooper (CUNY)
- Anatole Katok (Penn State)
- Bryna Kra (Northwestern)
- Kathryn Lindsey (Boston)
- John Smillie (Warwick)
- Zhiren Wang (Penn State)
- Barak Weiss (Tel Aviv)
There are some funds to cover lodging expenses, equivalent to the amount of a shared double room, for young participants and participants without access to travel funds. To apply, fill out the registration form. Priority will be given to participants who apply by January 29.