Abstract:Â There has been much recent progress on the local solution theory for geometric singular SPDEs. However, the global theory is still largely open. In my talk, I will discuss the global well-posedness of the stochastic Abelian-Higgs model in two dimensions, which is a geometric singular SPDE arising from gauge theory. The proof is based on a new covariant approach, which consists of two parts: First, we introduce covariant stochastic objects, which are controlled using covariant heat kernel estimates. Second, we control nonlinear remainders using a covariant monotonicity formula, which is inspired by earlier work of Hamilton. Joint work with Bjoern Bringmann.
Abstract: We will discuss some surprising rigidity phenomena for Anosov flows in dimension 3. For example, in the context of generic transitive 3-dimensional Anosov flows, any continuous conjugacy is either smooth or reverses the positive and negative SRB measures. This is joint work with Martin Leguil and Federico Rodriguez Hertz.
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College Park, MD 20742-4015
P: 301.405.5047 | F: 301.314.0827