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Undergraduate Award Winners


Former Brin Postdoctoral Fellow Huanchen Bao will receive the 2020 Chevalley Prize in Lie Theory, along with Weiqiang Wang, for their fundamental contributions to the theory of quantum symmetric pairs.

Professor Jacob Bedrossian will receive the inaugural Peter Lax Award at the HYP 2020 meeting. The award is given to a young researcher (10 years within the Ph.D.) and honors Lax’s seminal contributions, which laid the foundations of modern theory and computation in the area of hyperbolic conservation laws. Jacob also received the SIAM Activity Group Prize on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations along with Nader Masmoudi of NYU.

Novikov Postdoctoral Fellow Jakob Hultgren was named outstanding professor/instructor by a 2019 Maryland Women's Soccer student-athlete.

Professor Doron Levy delivered the G. Milton Wing Lectures at the University of Rochester.  The Wing Lectures are dedicated to presenting mathematics of interest to the larger scientific community and to the general public. Levy delivered three talks on Mathematical Oncology.

Professor Dio Margetis was named Distinguished Ordway Visitor and Lecturer by the School of Mathematics at the University of Minnesota.

Senior Lecturer Tim Pilachowski was named outstanding professor/instructor by a 2019 Maryland Women's Lacrosse student-athlete.


Lucia Simonelli (Ph.D. ’16, applied mathematics and statistics, and scientific computation) received the 2019-20 American Mathematical Society Congressional Fellowship and is working in the office of Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island.

Philip Isett (B.S. ’08, mathematics; B.A. ’08, economics) received the 2019 Clay Research Award, together with Tristan Buckmaster of Princeton University and Vlad Vicol of NYU, for the "profound contributions that each of them has made to the analysis of partial differential equations, particularly the Navier-Stokes and Euler equations." 

Graduate Students

Alexander Brandon and Kyle Liss - Monroe H. Martin Graduate Research Fellowship 

Sarah Burnett - Ruth Davis Fellowship for Mathematics & Physics 

Sahil Chopra, Eric Kubischta, Kyle Liss, Tong Lu, Steven Reich, Aquia Richburg, Arghya Sadhukhan and Jiaqi Zhou - Aziz Osborn Gold Medal in Teaching Excellence

Patrick Daniels - Ann G Wylie Dissertation Fellowship 

Yijie Gao and Steven Reich - Ralph P. Pass III Fellowship 

Zachary Greenberg and Arghya Sadhukhan - Spotlight on Graduate Research Monroe Martin Gold Medal 

Daniel Kaufman and Rabbani Tahseen - Spotlight on Graduate Research Seymour Goldberg Memorial Award

Yousheng Shi - Mark E. Lachtman Award 

Stephen Sorokanich and Jing Zhou - Patrick & Marguerite Sung Fellowship in Mathematics 

Undergraduate Students

Margaret Brown, Ryan Carver, Alexander Davydov, Conner Gorman, Siddhartha Harmalkar, David Yu Miller, Franklin Olmsted, Nataliya Stepanova, Ryan Synk and Matthew Watson - Strauss Teaching Assistants

Lanqi Fei - Strauss Award 

Aaron George and William Golding - Outstanding Senior Award 

Justin Hontz - Aziz Scholarship 

Erik Metz - Abramowitz Award 

April Nellis - Konter Scholarship 

John Nolan and Tanay Wakhare - Daniel Sweet Undergrad Research Fellowship 

Pratik Rathore - Dan Shanks Award 

Ryan Synk - Higginbotham Award 


Photo Credit: Stephanie Padgett


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