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We welcomed ten new members to the math family this fall!

Stefan Doboszczak
Stefan Doboszczak - Lecturer
Stefan (Ph.D. ’16, applied mathematics and statistics, and scientific computation) returned to UMD after a postdoc at the Air Force Institute of Technology. 


Vince Lyzinski
Vince Lyzinski - Assistant Professor
Vince’s research interests are centered on random graph inference, statistical machine learning, probability, and combinatorics. 


Brian Smithling
Brian Smithling - Visiting Assistant Professor
Brian is visiting us this year from Johns Hopkins. He studies Shimura varieties and related geometric objects.

Postdoctoral Fellows


Xuemiao Chen
Xuemiao Chen - Brin postdoctoral fellow
Xuemiao is a geometer, a student of Song Sun from SUNY Stony Brook.  He works on Yang-Mills connections, sheaves on complex manifolds, and the Harder-Narashimhan-Seshadri filtration.


Jingren Chi
Jingren Chi - Novikov postdoctoral fellow
Jingren is a student of Bảo Châu Ngô from the University of Chicago. Jingren works at the junction of algebraic geometry, number theory, and representation theory. He is interested in applying methods in geometric representation theory to problems in p-adic harmonic analysis.  


Hultgren Jacob
Jakob Hultgren - Novikov postdoctoral fellow
Jakob is a student of Robert Berman and David Witt Nyström from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. His research field is complex differential geometry. He is interested in canonical metrics in Kähler geometry and their relation to optimal transport, statistical mechanics, and stability notions in algebraic geometry. 


Yordanka Kovacheva
Yordanka Kovacheva – Postdoctoral fellow
Yordanka is an algebraic geometer, a student of Madhav Nori from the University of Chicago. She has one published paper in Experimental Mathematics coming out of an REU while she was an undergraduate at Amherst College. Her research mostly concerns algebraic cycles, Chow groups, and K-theory of algebraic varieties. 


Yijing Wu
Yijing Wu - Brin postdoctoral fellow
Yijing is a student of Luis Caffarelli at the University of Texas, Austin. Her research focuses on regularity properties of nonlocal elliptic operators and free boundary problems related to the calculus of variations.


Zehua Zaho
Zehua Zaho - Postdoctoral fellow
Zehua is a student of Benjamin Dodson at Johns Hopkins and works in dispersive PDE, especially nonlinear Schrödinger equations.  


Agineszka Zelenowicz PD
Agineszka Zelerowicz - Brin postdoctoral fellow
Agineszka is a student of Yakov Pesin at Penn State, working on dynamical systems and the thermodynamic formalism.

Photo Credit: Stephanie Padgett