Spring 2025
Walk-in Hours and Location
Unless otherwise noted***, our walk-in hours will be as follows:
MTuWThF: 9 - 12 and 2 - 4
MTH1113 or MTH1115
*** No otherwise noted hours currently
Please note that walk-in hours are subject to change without advanced notice to accommodate irregularly-scheduled events. You are welcome to call first to make sure we are in, or email for an appointment.
You are also welcome to contact us via email. In fact, the best way to reach us is via email:
Please also note that in order to accommodate mandatory advising, we are able to offer only limited advising services from mid October to early December, and also from mid March to early May. In particular, we will not be accepting new majors or new minors during those times. This means that for fall 2024, October 18 will be the last day we take new majors or minors, and we will resume taking new majors and minors beginning December 10. Also, depending on our workload, we may not be able to accept new majors the week before classes start; we definitely will not be able to accept new majors during schedule adjustment (the first two weeks of classes). In addition, per CMNS policy, first-semester students must wait till their first-semester grades have posted before they may declare a double major with math. Finally, note that we will not be lifting mandatory advising blocks in person.
General Advising Information and Statement
The mathematics department is committed to offering the best possible communication between the faculty and the students. The Undergraduate Advising Office is always happy to make arrangements to meet with all students to discuss both specific course issues as well as to field general questions about the mathematics curriculum and content.
Math Major Advising
In order to keep up good communication with our mathematics majors, as well as multiple majors, we insist upon one-on-one advising communication each semester in which both the present educational and future employment desires and plans of the students come together in the consideration and planning of the student's schedule.
Every semester, each math major is required to submit an advising form to the Undergraduate Advising Office to discuss the student's past and present progress, as well as future plans. We also have faculty advisors from various disciplines so that a student with specific interests may consult with a faculty advisor who has a good understanding of the student's personal goals and desires.
Advising usually takes place during a specific time period each semester, at which point the department and the student have a good idea of how the current semester is progressing. The Undergraduate Advising Office is always available, however, to address any issues that a student might wish to discuss.
We maintain an email list for our mathematics majors and other interested persons, through which we send up-to-date information regarding the program as well as employment and financial aid opportunities. If you are not on this list and would like to join it, please contact .