Geometries Conference
(click to zoom)

Geometries, Surfaces and Representations of Fundamental Groups

Wednesday June 22 -- Friday June 24, 2016

All talks are in Resnick Hall, Room 1202, Glenn L. Martin Engineering building


8:30-10:00am Breakfast and Registration
10:00-11:00am NIGEL HITCHIN - "Generalizations of Teichmüller space"Watch Video
11:00-11:30am Coffee break
11:30-12:30pm ANNA WIENHARD - "Maximal representations, deformation spaces, and geometric structures." - Watch Video
12:30-2:30pm Lunch break
2:30-3:30pm JEFFREY DANCIGER - "Proper affine actions of right angled Coxeter groups"Watch Video
3:30-4:00pm tea and refreshments
4:00-5:00pm MISHA KAPOVICH - "Is discreteness decidable?"Watch Video
5:30-7:30pm Reception in front of Kirwan Hall Mathematics building (Mathematics Rotunda if inclement weather)


8:00-8:45am Breakfast and Registration
8:45-9:45am MORRIS HIRSCH - "Common zeroes of vector fields of Lie algebras on low dimensional real and complex manifolds"Watch Video
9:45-10:00am Short break
10:00-11:00am LISA JEFFREY - "The genus 2 representation space"Watch Video
11:00-11:30am Coffee break
11:30-12:30pm FRANCOIS LABOURIE - "Towards higher laminations: tropical cross ratios and the universal surface group representation" - Watch Video
12:30-2:30pm Lunch break
2:30-3:30pm SER PEOW TAN - "Polynomial automorphisms of C^n preserving the Markoff-Hurwitz polynomial"Watch Video
3:30-4:00pm Tea and refreshments
4:00-5:00pm FANNY KASSEL - "Convex cocompact actions in pseudo-Riemannian hyperbolic geometry"
7:00-10:00pm Conference banquet - Direction to Riggs Alumni Center


8:00-8:45am Breakfast and Registration
8:45-9:45am YVES BENOIST - "Harmonic quasiisometric maps between rank one symmetric spaces"Watch Video
9:45-10:00am Short break
10:00-11:00am KARIN MELNICK - "Limits of local automorphisms of geometric structures"
11:00-11:30am Coffee break
11:30-12:30pm SEAN LAWTON - "The Betti Moduli Space: Experiments and Visualizations"Watch Video
12:30-2:30pm Lunch break
2:30-3:30pm JOHN PARKER - "A complex hyperbolic Riley slice"Watch Video
3:30-4:00pm Tea and refreshments
4:00-5:00pm RICHARD SCHWARTZ - "The projective midpoint map"Watch Video