We welcomed three assistant professors, two professors, a visiting professor and a lecturer.
Shiferaw Berhanu
Shiferaw joined our department as a Visiting Professor. He moved to Maryland from Temple University. His research interests are in micro local analysis, several complex variables, and PDEs. He received a B.Sc. from Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia, and a Ph.D. from Rutgers. Shiferaw is a Fellow of the AMS, an Associate Fellow of the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences, and a Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences.
Tristan Buckmaster
Tristan joined our department as a Full Professor. He received a B.Sc. in Monash University, an M.Sc. in the University of Bonn, and a Ph.D. from the University of Leipzig/Max Planck Institute. After graduating, Tristan was a Courant Instructor at NYU before moving to Princeton as an Assistant Professor. Tristan’s area of research is the mathematical analysis of partial differential equations. Most of his results are related to the equations of fluid mechanics. His best-known work is the proof that weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations of fluid dynamics are not unique in general. Tristan has many other substantial results on the Euler equations and on weak turbulence for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation. He has received many awards for his work, including the Clay Research Award in 2019.
Jamie Conway
Jamie joined our department as a Lecturer. He received his B.A. and M.A. from the University of Cambridge and a Ph.D. from Georgia Tech (with John Etnyre). He was then a postdoc at UC Berkeley before moving to the D.C. area during the pandemic. Jamie’s research interests are contact and symplectic geometry. He also typesets books specializing in Hebrew/Yiddish.
Abba Gumel
Abba Gumel joined our department as the Michael and Eugenia Brin Endowed Chair in Mathematics. He holds a joint appointment with the Department of Biology and the Institute for Physical Science and Technology. Abba moved to Maryland from Arizona State University where he held the title of Foundation Professor. Abba is a distinguished mathematician working in the area of disease modeling. He is recognized as a major international figure in mathematical epidemiology. Abba is a highly cited prolific researcher that received many honors and awards throughout his career. He was the 2021 American Mathematical Society Einstein Public Lecturer, a recipient of the Bellman Prize, a Fellow of the African Scientific Institute, a Fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Science, and a Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences. This year he was elected as a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Deep Ray
Deep Ray will join our department in spring 2023 as an Assistant Professor and hold a joint appointment with the Insitute for Physical Science and Technology. Deep received his Ph.D. from the Tata Institute in Bangalore, India. His advisors were Praveen Chandrashekar (Tata Institute) and Sid Mishra (ETH Zurich). After graduation, Deep was a postdoc in EPFL, Switzerland, Rice University, and more recently at USC. Deep works in numerical analysis, scientific computing, machine learning, and data science. He obtained significant results in his work on high-order schemes for flow problems and deep learning-based shock capturing techniques. His ongoing work is on Bayesian inference using deep learning priors.
Haizhao Yang
Haizhao joined our department as an Assistant Professor. He received his M.S. from the University of Texas at Austin and Ph.D. from Stanford (a student of Lexing Ying). He was a postdoc at Duke (working with Daubechies), an Assistant Professor at the National University of Singapore, and an Assistant Professor at Purdue. Haizhao received an NSF CAREER Award and an ONR Young Investigator award. He is working on many aspects of data science, including deep learning and reinforced learning, to which he made significant contributions.
Boyu Zhang
Boyu joined our department as an Assistant Professor. He received his B.S. from Peking University, his Ph.D. from Harvard University (with Clifford Taubes). He was a postdoc at Princeton before being hired by Princeton as an Assistant Professor. Boyu’s research covers categorification, gauge theory, geometric analysis, foliation theory, and low-dimensional topology. He has made significant contributions throughout low-dimensional topology, gauge theory, and symplectic geometry.