The Mathematics Department welcomes students from other majors to take math courses with our department. We believe having students from other majors will add to the academic vibrancy and diversity here. Hence, if your interest and ability allow, and if taking a math course would not hinder your progress in your major, we strongly encourage you to take a course with us.
IMPORTANT: Please note that it is your responsibility to confirm with your major advisor whether a particular math course will be appropriate for your major and career objective.
Nonetheless, due to high demand, certain math courses are designated PermReq or majors-only. Non-math majors who wish to take these courses will need to request a BPO stamp from the Math department. Furthermore, non-math majors will be blocked from registering for these courses until after the LAST DAY OF CLASSES. This means that for Fall 2025, permissions will be given beginning May 14th, 2024. We apologize for any inconvenience this policy may cause, but we hope you understand its necessity.
You will not be given permission if you do not meet the prerequisites for the course. Students will receive an email once permission has been given.
Thank you in advance for your co-operation.
Follow this link to complete the Non-Major Permission request for Math courses form (BPO).
(This form is also for current math majors who have not completed Math410 and need permission for a BPO course. This requirement is in place to ensure that math majors make appropriate progress in degree requirments.)
Please email with questions.