• Eugenia Brin, Longtime Supporter of Science and Performing Arts at UMD, Dies

    Eugenia Brin, a Russian immigrant and retired NASA scientist who, with her family of accomplished Terps, became an important benefactor of the University of Maryland, died on Dec. 3, 2024. She was 76 years old. The rest of the article can be read here: https://cmns.umd.edu/news-events/news/eugenia-brin-1948-2024 Read More
  • 2024 Michael Brin Dynamical Systems Prize for Young Mathematicians Awardees

    Math is excited to announce that Francisco Arana-Herrera has been awarded the 5th Michael Brin Dynamical Systems Prize for Young Mathematicians.  The prize was shared between Francisco and Rohil Prasad. Details about eh prize and previous winners can be found at  https://science.psu.edu/math/research/dynsys/dynamical-systems-prize-young-mathematicians Read More
  • UMD Launches Award to Recognize Dual Majors in Computer Science and Mathematics

    Starting Spring 2025, the Grant Family Outstanding Achievement Undergraduate Student Award will recognize graduating seniors excelling in both fields. Link to the article can be read here: https://www.cs.umd.edu/article/2024/11/umd-launches-award-recognize-dual-majors-computer-science-and-mathematics Read More
  • Jonathan Poterjoy and Kayo Ide join new $6.6 million NOAA consortium

    Congratulations to AOSC's Jonathan Poterjoy and Kayo Ide (also of math and IPST) on joining a new NOAA consortium to improve the accuracy of weather forecasts.  Called CADRE, the $6.6 million initiative will focus on data assimilation, which uses observations to improve model predictions of natural systems, like Earth's atmosphere, over time. Read More
  • Alfio Quarteroni receives the Blaise Pascal Medal in Mathematics

    Congratulations to Alfio Quarteroni for winning the 2024 Blaise Pascal Medal in Mathematics The message from the European Academy of Sciences reads: We are excited to announce that Professor Alfio Quarteroni has been awarded the esteemed 2024 Blaise Pascal Medal in Mathematics for his outstanding contributions to the field, particularly in Read More
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Jobs Obtained by Our Recent PhDs in Mathematics


Lockheed Martin, Univ. Bremen, CUNY, Stephen F. Austin College (2), Harvard, Univ. of Maryland, Columbia College (Chicago)


Franklin & Marshall College, NSA, Universitat Munster, Bloomberg, Berkeley, Academia Sinica, JHU Applied Physics Lab, Yale, NIH, Nanyang Technological Univ. (Singapore)


Univ. of Nicosia (Cyprus), Univ. of Paris VII, Towson Univ., Univ. of Utah, Army Research Lab, NSA (3), Nat'l Geospatial Intelligence Agcy., Univ. of Victoria (Canada)


Univ. of Maryland, Univ. of British Columbia, Songkhla Univ. (Thailand), Decisive Analytics, Notre Dame, Duke Univ. (2), Rice Univ., Mahidol Univ. (Thailand)


Univ. of Chicago, Bloomberg, Brown, Aalto Univ. (Finland), Univ. Wisconsin, Cornell Univ., Howard Univ., Georgetown Univ., Univ. of Massachusetts, Yield Book (Citibank)


Northrop-Grumman, Jane Street Capital (NY), Univ. Minnesota, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Univ. of Chicago


NSA, Cornell Univ., Michigan State Univ., Univ. Luxembourg, Univ. of Maryland


Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso (Chile), Department of Defense, University of Maryland (2), US Treasury, NSA, Rutgers Univ., Army Research Lab, Quantifind (CA), Duke Univ., Courant Institute, Boston Univ., Celerity, US Census Bureau


NYU, Univ. of Maryland (3), NSA, Data Science, Sphere of Influence, Northwestern University, University of Iowa


Univ. of Oklahoma Norman, Department of Defense, IHES, U. Penn, Facebook, Univ. of Maryland


FDA, Univ. of Maryland, Courant Institute, New York Univ., Ohio State Univ., UC Irvine, AbbVie Inc.


Department of Defense, NSA, Univ. of Maryland, Univ.of Texas, Goldman Sachs, Duke Univ., East Carolina Univ., Univ.of Wisconsin


Univ. of Colorado, Univ. of Maryland, Pennsylvania State Univ, Texas A&M Univ., Univ. of Michigan, PayPal, Wells Fargo


Nicolaus Copernicus Univ., U.S. Census Bureau, Univ. of Copenhagen, MITRE Corporation, Brown Univ, Army Research Laboratory, Eli Lilly and Company, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Univ. of Maryland, and Actifai

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