• 2024 Putnam Results

    We are very excited to report that our MAryland Putnam team ranked 7th among 477 institutions that participated in the 2024 Putnam math competition. Our team members this year were Daniel Yuan, Isaac Mammel, and Clarence Lam. Daniel Yuan ranked 26th among 3,988 participants. Clarence Lam and Isaac Mammel were recognized for Read More
  • From Math Olympiads to Diplomacy: Meet Visiting Math Professor Qendrim Gashi

    Maryland Global, published a great interview with our visiting professor (and diplomat), Qendrim Gashi. The interview is available at https://marylandglobal.umd.edu/about/news/math-olympiads-diplomacy-meet-visiting-math-professor-qendrim-gashi Read More
  • Eugenia Brin, Longtime Supporter of Science and Performing Arts at UMD, Dies

    Eugenia Brin, a Russian immigrant and retired NASA scientist who, with her family of accomplished Terps, became an important benefactor of the University of Maryland, died on Dec. 3, 2024. She was 76 years old. The rest of the article can be read here: https://cmns.umd.edu/news-events/news/eugenia-brin-1948-2024 Read More
  • 2024 Michael Brin Dynamical Systems Prize for Young Mathematicians Awardees

    Math is excited to announce that Francisco Arana-Herrera has been awarded the 5th Michael Brin Dynamical Systems Prize for Young Mathematicians.  The prize was shared between Francisco and Rohil Prasad. Details about eh prize and previous winners can be found at  https://science.psu.edu/math/research/dynsys/dynamical-systems-prize-young-mathematicians Read More
  • UMD Launches Award to Recognize Dual Majors in Computer Science and Mathematics

    Starting Spring 2025, the Grant Family Outstanding Achievement Undergraduate Student Award will recognize graduating seniors excelling in both fields. Link to the article can be read here: https://www.cs.umd.edu/article/2024/11/umd-launches-award-recognize-dual-majors-computer-science-and-mathematics Read More
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2012 Graduate Degree Recipients







Juliana Belding, PhD in Mathematics
Advisor: L. Washington
Dissertation Title: Number Theoretic Algorithms for Elliptic Curves
Hunter Johnson, PhD in Mathematics
Advisor: C. Laskowski
Dissertation Title: Definable Families of Finite VC Dimension
Nicholas Long, PhD in Mathematics
Advisor: M. Boyle
Dissertation Title: Involutions of Shifts of Finite Type: Fixed Point Shifts, Orbit Quotients, and the Dimension Representation
Jane Long, PhD in Mathematics
Advisor: J. Schafer
Dissertation Title: The Cohomology of the Affine Group over Fp2 and of PSL(3, Fp)
Yabing Mai, PhD in Mathematical Statistics
Advisor: E. Slud
Dissertation Title: Comparing Survival Distributions in the Presence of Dependent Censoring: Asymptotic Validity and Bias Correction of the Logrank Test
Tinghui Yu, PhD in Mathematical Statistics
Advisor: A. Kagan
Estimation Theory of a Location Parameter in Small Samples


Nicolas Flores-Castillo, MA in Mathematics
Advisor: K. Grove
Thesis Title: Synge's Trick Revisted
John Habert, MA in Mathematics
Advisor: L. Washington
Anton Lukyanenko, MA in Mathematics
Advisor: W. Goldman
Projective Deformations of Triangle Tilings
Cristian Tomesetti, MA in Mathematics
Advisor: D. Dolgopyat


Huillin Li, PhD in Mathematical Statistics
Advisor: P. Lahari
Dissertation Title: Small Area Estimation: An Empirical Best Linear Unbiased Prediction Approach
Guanhua Lu, PhD in Mathematical Statistics
Advisor: B. Kedem
Dissertation Title: Asymptotic Theory in Multiple-Sample Semiparametric Density Ratio Models and its Application to Mortality Forecasting
Min Min, PhD in Mathematical Statistics
Advisor: P. Smith
Dissertation Title: Asymptotic Normality in Generalized Linear Mixed Models.
Onur Oktay, PhD in Mathematics
Advisor: J. Benedetto
Dissertation Title: Frame Quantization Theory and Equitriangular Tight Frames


Morgan Stern, MA in Mathematics
Advisor: L. Washington
Aneesah Williams, MA in Mathematical Statistics
Advisor: E. Slud
Thesis Title: Fay-Herriot Small Area Estimation in the Survey of Business Owners


Ganesh Nadarajasundaram, PhD in Mathematical Statistics
Advisors E. Slud and P.Lahari
Dissertation Title: Small Area Estimation and Prediction Problems
Kathryn Truman, PhD in Mathematics
Advisor: L. Washington
Dissertation Title: Analysis and Extension of Non-Commutative NTRU
Shihua Wen, PhD in Mathematical Statistics
Advisor: B. Kedem
Dissertation Title:Simi-Parametric Cluster Detection
Amy Finkbeiner, PhD in Mathematics
Advisor: J. Yorke
Dissertation Title: Global Phenomena from Local Rules: Peer to Peer Networks and Discrete Chrystal Steps



David Bourne, Ph.D. in Mathematics
Advisor: S. Antman
Dissertation Title: The Taylor-Couette Problem in a Deformable Cylinder
Somantika Datta, Ph.D. in Mathematics
Advisor: J. Benedetto
Dissertation Title: Wiener's Generalized Harmonic Analysis in Waveform Design
Andrew Dykstra, Ph.D. in Mathematics
Advisor: M. Boyle
Dissertation Title: Two Equivalence Relations in Symbolic Dynamics
Eric Errthum, Ph.D. in Mathematics
Advisor: S. Kudla
Dissertation Title: Singular Moduli of Shimura Curves
Tatiana Howard, Ph.D. in Mathematics
Advisor: J. Adams
Dissertation Title: Lifting of Characters p-adic Orthogonal and Metaplectic Groups
Taejung Kim, Ph.D. in Mathematics
Advisor: W. Goldman
Dissertation Title: An Investigation on Holomorphic Vector Bundles and Krichever-Lax Matrices Over an Algebraic Curve
Ashwin Pande, Ph.D. in Mathematics
Advisor: J. Rosenberg
Dissertation Title: Topological T-Duality for KK-Monopoles, Gerbes and Automorphisms
Susan Schmoyer, Ph.D. in Mathematics
Advisor: L. Washington
Dissertation Title: Triviality and Nontriviality of Tate-Lichtenbaum Self Pairings
Christian Zorn, Ph.D. in Mathematics
Advisor: S. Kudla
Dissertation Title: Computing Local L-Factors for the Unramified Principal Series of Sp(2, F) and Its Metaplectic Cover
Shanshan Wang, Ph.D. in Statistics
Advisors: W. Jank and P. Smith
Dissertation Title: Exploring and Modeling Online Auctions using Functional Data Analysis


Juliana Belding, M.A. in Mathematics
Advisor: L. Washington
Scholarly Paper Title: The Discrete Logarithm Problem on the p-torsion Subgroup of Elliptic Curves
Cecilia Gonzalez-Tokman, M.A. in Mathematics
Advisor: B. Hunt
Scholarly Paper Title: Strange Non-chaotic Attractors
Eun Young Kim, M.A. in Mathematics
Advisor: J.-G. Liu
Scholarly Paper Title: Modelling, analysis and computational aspects of electrostatics for biomolecules
Na An, M.A. in Mathematical Statistics
Advisor: P. Smith
Thesis Title: Baseline Adjustment for Ordinal Covariates by Inducing a Partial Ordering in Randomized Clinical Trials
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