Mathematics books and journals are housed in the STEM Library, located in the Mathematics Building. The library reference staff are able and eager to serve you. The head librarian for the STEM Library, as well as the main acquisitions librarian for mathematics, is Nevenka Zdravkovska (email:, phone: 5-9144).

Course Reserves

To put books on reserve for courses see this link.

Interlibrary Loan

If you need a book or journal that the library does not have, it is possible to get it by Interlibrary Loan. See this link for more information on interlibrary loan services.

Electronic Reference Services

Most library services are now available electronically. See the University Libraries home page.


Note: Electronic journals come and go quite frequently so it's very hard to keep a list which is completely up-to-date. We apologize for any inconvenience. Send comments to .

There are many other indices of electronic journals in mathematics. Here are some of the better ones:

How to find a specific journal

The fastest way to find out if we have a specific journal, and if so, how to access it, is by going to

Abstracting and Indexing Journals

  • MathSci Net - the on-line version of Mathematical Reviews.
  • Zentralblatt MATH - the on-line version of Zentralblatt für Mathematik. We do not have a subscription, so you are limited to searches for only 3 items at a time.

Electronic Mathematics and Statistics Journals


Most of the above resources are only available from machines in the mathematics department. In most cases, you can access them remotely via researchport, or else you can go directly to:

Free Electronic Journals

Home Pages of Conventional Mathematics and Statistics Journals

This list includes the home pages of many conventional print journals, usually indexed by publisher. In most cases, you can access tables of contents and submission instructions for authors. In some cases, abstracts or even full text are also available.

Mathematics Preprint Servers

These are extremely useful, but you are cautioned that most preprint servers will accept contributions from anyone, and are not refereed.

Subject-Specific Resources in Mathematics

General Science Journals

General Reference Services

Other Library Services

Mathematical Societies


The American Mathematical Society (AMS)


The AMS Combined Membership List: online directory of mathematicians
The AMS Math-Sci Net: Math Reviews on line. Available only from math department computers. From home, access this through the eLibrary.
Guide for electronic submissions to Math Reviews
Calendar of mathematics meetings all over the world


Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
Mathematical Association of America (MAA)
Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS)


Major Canadian and European Societies:
Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS)
Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV)
European Mathematical Society (EMS)
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA)
London Mathematical Society (LMS)
Royal Statistical Society (RSS)
Société de Mathématiques Appliquées & Industrielles (SMAI)
Société Mathématique de France (SMF)


Other Organizations


National Science Foundation (NSF)


Fastlane (streamlined access to important NSF information, proposal submission and review, grant management)
Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences
Grants and Awards, including the Grant Proposal Guide


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM)
National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
International Mathematical Union (IMU), sponsor of the
International Congress of Mathematicians in Berlin, summer 1998.
International Congress of Mathematicians in Beijing, summer 2002.
Society for Mathematical Biology
International Association of Mathematical Physics
Association des Collaborateurs de Nicolas Bourbaki
Mathematical Sciences Education Board
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Clay Mathematics Institute


Institutes and Centers


Centre International de Recontres Mathématiques (CIRM, Montreal)
Fields Institute (Toronto)
Geometry Center (Minnesota)
Institute for Advanced Study (IAS, Princeton)
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI, Berkeley)
Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA, Minneapolis)
Oberwolfach Mathematical Institute (Germany)
Insitute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM, UCLA, Los Angeles)
Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS, Canada-US)




Other information resources:
Mathematical Archives at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Penn State's directory of world mathematics departments
Waubonsee's list of (almost) all US departments of math, physics, and engineering
Texas A&M's list of mathematical links

Welcome to the Research Resources section of the Mathematics Department site. This area includes information on electronic research resources and libraries.


Among the department seminars are a number of student seminars and RITs ("Research Interaction Teams") designed specifically for students.  An index of these, along with more information, may be found here.