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Dynamics at the University of Maryland is distinguished by its quality, breadth and activity. The Chaos Group spans several departments and units on campus. In this website you will find information regarding the Mathematics Department.



  • Joe Auslander (Emeritus): topological dynamics
  • Ken Berg (Emeritus): ergodic theory, topological dynamics
  • Dmitry Dolgopyat: hyperbolic dynamics, smooth ergodic theory,  probability, mathematical physics
  • Giovanni Forni: conservative dynamics, parabolic dynamics, smooth dynamics, smooth ergodic theory, Teichmueller dynamics
  • Brian Hunt (Emeritus): chaotic dynamics, smooth dynamics
  • Michael Jakobson: one dimensional dynamics, smooth ergodic theory, stochastic dynamics
  • Vadim Kaloshin: Arnold diffusion, celestial mechanics, hamiltonian PDEs, KAM theory, smooth dynamics, stochastic dynamics
  • Adam Kanigowski: ergodic theory
  • Rodrigo Trevino : ergodic theory, smooth dynamics, geometry and mathematical physics
  • Jim Yorke (research professor): applied mathematics, chaotic dynamics, smooth dynamics 

Dynamics at UMD is intrinsically wide ranging, and even within the mathematics department the interest area goes beyond the above list, for example in the work of Mark Freidlin and Leonid Koralov (random perturbations of dynamical systems), William Goldman (ergodic theory on moduli spaces), Karin Melnick (group actions on manifolds), and Scott Wolpert (dynamics of the Weil-Petersson flow).


Postdoctoral fellows and visitors

  • Alex Blumenthal: smooth ergodic theory, infinite dimensional dynamics, PDEs, stochastic dynamics
  • Thibaut Castan: celestial mechanics
  • Changguang Dong: smooth ergodic theory
  • Davit Karagulyan: Mobius orthogonality, ergodic theory.
  • Peter Nandori: hyperbolic dynamical systems, probability theory and mathematical physics

Former postdoctoral fellows

  • Vaughn Climenhaga : non-uniform hyperbolicity, thermodynamic formalism, dimension theory, and multifractal analysis
  • Todd Fisher : robust transitivity, hyperbolic dynamical systems, symbolic dynamics, and topological dynamics
  • Marcel Guardia : Hamiltonian Systems, Celestial Mechanics, Hamiltonian PDE
  • Guan Huang: Hamiltonian PDEs
  • Yuri Lima : smooth ergodic theory, fractal geometry, probability and combinatorics
  • Pablo Roldan : celestial mechanics
  • Paul Wright: hyperbolic dynamcs
  • Kelly Yancey: abstract ergodic theory, topological dynamics
  • Ke Zhang : Hamiltonian Dynamics, thermodynamical formalism.

Graduate students

  • Hamid Al-Saqban
  • Keagan Callis
  • Minsung Kim
  • Jianlong Liu
  • Jenny Rustad
  • Jing Zhou

Former Graduate students



The Dynamics group at UMD organizes the following activities.

Dynamics seminar

The meetings occur on Thursdays from 2--4pm, and are divided into two parts: the first one is an introduction of the topic that is accessible to graduate students, and the second is a discussion/explanation of the (idea of the) proof of the main result. After the seminar there is a social hour that offers drinks and snakcs.

Student Dynamics Seminar

Student dynamics seminar meetson Tuesdays 2-3pm. It features talks by graduate students where the speakers discuss their research interests.

Applied Dynamics Seminar

The seminar meets on Thursdays at 12:30pm. It brings in a range of visitors from labs, agencies and other universities in the region, and features dynamics related talk over pizza lunch.


Maryland-Penn State Dynamics Conference


Beginning in Fall 1991, the dynamics groups of the University of Maryland and Pennsylvania State University have jointly sponsored two annual three and half day meetings in dynamical systems and related topics: a spring meeting here in College Park, and a fall meeting in State College. These meetings, though primarily regional, also attract participants outside the region and the country. Along with talks of prominent mathematicians, the conferences always include several short talks by graduate students. 

The Michael Brin Chair in Mathematics

Vadim Kaloshin occupies the Michael Brin Chair in Mathematics. 
This position controls substantial discretionary funds, and is permanent as long as the appointed person remains a professor of mathematics at Maryland. The Chair also sponsors Brin Postdoctoral Fellows. 


The Michael Brin Prize in Dynamical Systems

This is an international prize awarded by an international panel of dynamics luminaries. It recognizes mathematicians who have made substantial impact at an early stage of their careers. The first two prizes were awarded to Maryland faculty members Giovanni Forni and Dmitry Dolgopyat. Starting from 2017 the prize is awarded annually. During the even years the Brin Prize is awarded during Maryland Dynamics Conference.

Selected recent and upcoming events

Summer School on Dynamical Systems, August 17--25, 2014, College Park MD.

Program on Hamiltonian systems, from topology to applications through analysis August 13--December 14, 2018, MSRI, Berkeley, CA.

School on Probabilistic methods in negative curvature March 11--22, 2019, Bangalore, India.

2019 Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Related Topics, April 11--14, 2019, College Park, MD.