We expect we will be able to provide financial support to some of the participants who wish to attend, but this is not yet confirmed. Possible funding will be advertised as soon as it will become available. Junior researchers may request reimbursement of their travel and local expenses to attend the conference. Funds are reserved for Ph.D. students and young researchers less than 5 years beyond the Ph.D. To request funds, please send an e-mail to both Sandra Cerrai () and to with the subject line "SSP Travel Support: " and the following information:

Your name,
Your current affiliation (i.e. Department and University),
Your current professional title (e.g. Ph.D. student, or Visiting Assistant Professor),
The institution and title of your Ph.D. (if different from your current affiliation),
The names and e-mail addresses of one or two references,
A short paragraph explaining your motivation to attend the Conference.
A letter from your adviser supporting your attendance in the conference.
The above information MUST BE RECEIVED BY FEBRUARY 1, 2016, to guarantee consideration for support. To receive travel reimbursement funds, you must also have checked the YES box under the Travel Support section of the online registration form. For those adhering to this deadline, notification of support will occur on or before February 15, 2016.

In any case, funds will be limited. Priority will be given to Ph.D. students, young researchers who are less than 3 years beyond the Ph.D., and other young researchers in non-tenure-track appointments. Among these, women and people from underepresented groups in the mathematical sciences are particularly encouraged to attend the conference, seek travel support, and present a short talk; these individuals will be given the highest priority for funding.

Administrative forms that must be filled out and signed, and other instructions, including how to submit receipts, will be given during the conference.