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J-1 visas require a lead time of 3-4 months. Please complete the DS2019 Data Collection form.  Please provide a current and signed CV, a copy of your passport and, if the visit is self support, financial documentation.

DS2019 Data Collection Form

H-1B visas require 7 - 8 months lead time. Please complete the H-1B data collection form. Please note on the form where it asks for "birth city" to also include province if there is one.  I also need your foreign home address.  Please provide an additional sheet explaining detailed travel plans that may impact how we process your H-1B.

H-1B Data Collection Form

Permanent Residency – the process is done through the Office of International Scholar and Student Services (ISSS).   For more information, please contact Liliana Gonzales at  or call 301-405-5403.   



Included here is the link to the faculty affairs website, http://faculty.umd.edu/faculty/leave_sab.html,  which describes the requirements necessary before taking sabbatical leave and the on-line system that allows you to apply for it. The department administration requires at least six months prior notice to taking the sabbatical for planning purposes.

Should you need further assistance in this matter – please contact Agi Lawrence at 5-5063 or at .

The University of Maryland has a pre-approval policy for all incoming and outgoing travel for faculty, graduate students and visitors.  The first step to arrange travel approval is to go to travelweb.umd.edu and complete a New Travel Request.  Any questions about completing the form may be directed to Rebecca Gore ().   Students and visitors travel requests will be routed to faculty approvers.

The University of Maryland College Park is currently under the policy of the “Fly America Act”. To read about the Fly America Act, a federal regulation that requires the use of U.S. carriers for travel that will be reimbursed from federal grants and contracts, please click here.

**Hotel reservations will be made once the New Travel Request has been submitted and approved.  It is preferred that the hotel instructions be included in the New Travel Request rather than in a separate email. 

Upon completion of the travel a Travel Expense form needs to be completed in order to be reimbursed for expenses including per diem reimbursements only.  To access the Travel Expense form, go to travelweb.umd.edu. The exception is for those faculty, grad students and visitors not claiming any reimbursement.  If no reimbursement for a trip is expected please notify Rebecca Gore () so we can close out the travel encumbrance.

All purchases are required to be submitted by the Department of Mathematics Business Office.  Individuals may not make their own purchases.  If such events do arise and something has been ordered by an individual, with approval from the department, you may be reimbursed for purchases.

All requests for materials, supplies and services are processed through Liz Wincek ()  These items range from computers to books. All items will be bought with the UMCP Departmental Purchasing Card. An e-mail should be sent with the proper link and specifications on all orders.  Please list also, which account you want items to be charged.  When ordering computers please keep in mind these items will need to be tagged for UMCP purposes.  Computers will not be distributed until tagged.
Once purchases have been made, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to you. A notice will be placed in your mailbox once your items have arrived, and can then be picked-up from Room #1300.

If you are given approval from the department to make your own purchase, you must complete the meal reimbursement form for food purchases, or the miscellaneous reimbursement form for all other purchases. Please attach all necessary documentation, such as receipts, and submit to Justin Teng in room 1306 Mathematics Blg.

For any questions, feel free to contact Liz Wincek () x54190 or Justin Teng () x58455.

Proposals Submission Process

Once a faculty member has determined he/she wishes to submit a proposal, he/she will need to contact Agi Lawrence (the main point of contact for the department). She will assist the faculty members with budget preparation, budget justification, current and pending, and proposal submission coordination.

Please allow a reasonable amount of time (ideally one month) for proposal submissions. This will allow adequate time for budget development and the coordination of all proposal documentation. Depending on the agency's guidelines. Routing of the proposal through the University's administrative process may take several days and ORAA (The Office of Research Administration and Advancement) officially requests five days for processing.

Once you identify a research solicitation you want to respond to, please send an e-mail to Agi Lawrence () and include the URL to any announcements. 

Feel free to contact Agi Lawrence ext. 55063 or .

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