Carlos Berenstein

Mathematics Professor Carlos Berenstein passed away on August 24, 2019. Berenstein is survived by his wife Elsa, his daughter Nadia and his son Ariel.

Born in Argentina, Berenstein received his Licenciado en Matematicas in 1966 from the University of Buenos Aires. He was an Instructor at the University of Buenos Aires 1964 to 1965, and a Research Fellow at CNICT (Buenos Aires) in 1966. Berenstein received a Sloan Foundation Graduate Fellowship from 1967 to 1970, and in 1969 and 1970, respectively, he was awarded his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from New York University. He received the Founder's Day Award of New York University in 1971.

Undergraduate Award Winners


Former Brin Postdoctoral Fellow Huanchen Bao will receive the 2020 Chevalley Prize in Lie Theory, along with Weiqiang Wang, for their fundamental contributions to the theory of quantum symmetric pairs.

Professor Jacob Bedrossian will receive the inaugural Peter Lax Award at the HYP 2020 meeting. The award is given to a young researcher (10 years within the Ph.D.) and honors Lax’s seminal contributions, which laid the foundations of modern theory and computation in the area of hyperbolic conservation laws. Jacob also received the SIAM Activity Group Prize on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations along with Nader Masmoudi of NYU.

Novikov Postdoctoral Fellow Jakob Hultgren was named outstanding professor/instructor by a 2019 Maryland Women's Soccer student-athlete.

Girls Talk Math Summer 2019

Girls Talk Math at the University of Maryland runs largely on passion. Sarah Cassie Burnett, with assistance from Cara Peters, founded this summer program for high school girls two years ago to broaden participation and mentoring in the field of mathematics. Burnett and Peters are Ph.D. students in the university’s Applied Mathematics & Statistics, and Scientific Computation program.

The Maryland site was modeled after the program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC). Then graduate students Francesca Bernardi and Katrina Morgan established it there in 2015, to build a curriculum that addressed issues of persistence, equity, and representation.

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