Congratulations to Jacob Bedrossian on his promotion to Full Professor. Professor Bedrossian is recognized for his original contributions to the partial differential equations, especially the equations for the mechanics of fluid flows. For more about Jacob's mathematics, you can read two of his recent survey articles here and here.
Congratulations to Dr. Allan Yashinski and Dr. Kendall Williams on their promotion to the rank of Senior Lecturer. They will continue to make a difference for their students through excellence in classroom teaching. According to CMNS Dean Amitabh Varshney, “Your (Williams’) example helps to create a climate of inclusion and excellence in our college and on campus.” Yashinski is “moving away from ‘traditional’ lecture-based models to include weekly group work and active learning.” We wish for their continued success in their work.
Congratulations to Professor Yanir Rubinstein for mentoring Michael Lindsey on his student paper "Optimal Transport via a Monge-Ampère Optimization Problem". The paper is selected to receive one of the three Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Student Paper Prizes. The award is based solely on the merit and content of the student’s contribution to the nominated paper. The 2019 SIAM Student Paper Prize will be awarded during the Prizes and Awards Luncheon at the 2020 SIAM Annual Meeting (AN20), to be held July 6-10, 2020 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Special congratulations to Yaelle Goldschlag - sophomore, Computer Science and Math, on receiving a Goldwater Fellowship. Yaelle Goldschlag plans "to earn a Ph.D. in Computer Science with a focus on computer security and privacy, and then conduct research and teach at the university level." To find out more about the Goldwater Scholarship and to see the list of recipents, visit
The Department of Mathematics is proud to announce the following Undergraduate award scholarships and Strauss Teaching Assistantships. See the department listings for more details.
Lanqi Fei
Justin Hontz
Margaret Brown
Ryan Craver
Alexander Davydov
Conner Gorman
Siddhartha Harmalkar
David Yu Miller
Franklin Olmsted
Nataliya Stepanova
Ryan Synk
Matthew Watson
Aaron George
William Marcus Golding
Ryan Synk
Erik Metz
April Nellis
Pratik Rathore
Tanay Wakhare
John Nolan
Aaron Steven George
William Marcus Golding
Yotam Yaniv
Al-Fahad Muhammed Al-Qadhi
Alejandro Nicolas Diaz
April Rosina Nellis
Congratulations to our Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) Student Chapter. They have been awarded the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Tensor Women and Mathematics Grant for the Girls Talk Math program. The day camp will run this summer from June 17-28, 2019 and will host 40 local students. Activities include learning a topic of mathematics outside the usually high school curriculum, reporting & presenting technical material, and researching & recording a podcast about a famous female mathematician. To learn more about how to apply or volunteer go to