The American Geophysical Union awarded Eugenia Kalnay (Atmospheric & Oceanic Science) the 2019 Roger Revelle Medal. These awards serve to highlight outstanding achievements, contributions, and service to the Earth and Space science community. Official announcement here

It is with sadness that we inform you of the passing of Carlos Alberto Berenstein, on August 24, 2019. Carlos was a professor of mathematics and a member of the Institute for Systems Research (ISR). Professor John Baras (ECE/ISR), the first director of ISR, writes, “Carlos was a brilliant mathematician who collaborated with many of us and many other people worldwide. His brilliance, positive attitude and open collaborative spirit will be missed by many.”

Read more about Carlos and his legacy follwing the link to ISR:

Jacob Bedrossian and his co-author, Nader Masmoudi (NYU), will be awarded the 2019 SIAG/APDE Prize. The SIAG/APDE Prize is awarded every two years to the author(s) of the most outstanding paper, as determined by the prize committee, on a topic in partial differential equations published in the four calendar years preceding the award year. The qualifying paper contained significant research contributions to the field of partial differential equations, as commonly defined in the mathematical literature, with direct and potential applications.
The prize committee selected their paper, “Inviscid Damping and the Asymptotic Stability of Planar Shear Flows in the 2D Euler Equations,” Publications Mathématiques d l’IHES (2015), Volume 122, Issue 1, pp. 195-300. The selection committee recognizes this work “for opening a broad new avenue of research, pioneering the rigorous approach to inviscid damping as a mechanism for stability in ideal flows.” The prize committee members are: Milton C. Lopes Filho (Chair), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Maria-Carme Calderer, University of Minnesota; Jonathan Mattingly, Duke University; Athanasios Tzavaras, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; and Michael Weinstein, Columbia University.

Dr. Lucia D. Simonelli has been awarded the 2019-20 AMS Congressional Fellowship. Simonelli received her PhD in mathematics from the University of Maryland-College Park. She has most recently been a postdoctoral fellow in the mathematics section at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy. As a Congressional Fellow, she will work in the office of a Member of Congress or a Congressional committee beginning in the fall. Article posted here:

Congratulations to Jacob Bedrossian on his promotion to Full Professor. Professor Bedrossian is recognized for his original contributions to the partial differential equations, especially the equations for the mechanics of fluid flows.  For more about Jacob's mathematics, you can read two of his recent survey articles here and here.

Congratulations to Dr. Allan Yashinski and Dr. Kendall Williams on their promotion to the rank of Senior Lecturer. They will continue to make a difference for their students through excellence in classroom teaching. According to CMNS Dean Amitabh Varshney, “Your (Williams’) example helps to create a climate of inclusion and excellence in our college and on campus.” Yashinski is “moving away from ‘traditional’ lecture-based models to include weekly group work and active learning.” We wish for their continued success in their work.