Congratulations to Liliana Gonzalez for winning the CMNS Dean’s Outstanding Employee Award and to Professor Niranjan Ramachandran for winning the CMNS Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.  These awards will be presented at the annual CMNS Academic Festival on Friday, May 5.

Congratulations also to Rachel Katz and Bill Schildknecht, winners of this year’s departmental staff awards.   The awards will be presented at an upcoming staff appreciation ceremony.

We regret to announce the passing of our former colleague C. Robert (Bob) Warner, who died August 7, 2017, in Toronto at the age of 85.  Bob worked on classical harmonic analysis in Euclidean space, especially on spectral synthesis in L1 algebras.  He was dedicated to teaching and was one of the most popular teachers of real analysis courses.

We hired four assistant professors, three effective summer of 2017 and one effective summer of 2018.  One of them is Tamas Darvas, who has already been here for a while as a research associate.  The second is Lise-Marie Imbert-Gérard, coming from the Courant Institute at NYU.  The third is Rodrigo Trevino, who is an alumnus of the department (his PhD advisor was Giovanni Forni).  The fourth is Adam Kanigowski, coming from Penn State.  We welcome all of you to our faculty.

Department Chair Scott Wolpert will be receiving this year's Kirwan Undergraduate Education Award at the Faculty-Staff Convocation on September 14th at 3PM in Memorial Chapel.  This is for his work with small-group calculus (ACCEL), for being PI on a large NSF undergraduate scholarship grant, for reorganizing the campus design-your-major program (Individual Studies), cofounding the now Federal Fellows program and for serving on the “four year plans” committee (Student Academic Success Degree Completion Policy).  Scott reports that “I have totally enjoyed working with many folks around the campus.”

The Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award honors annually 4-6 tenured faculty members who combine outstanding scholarship with teaching excellence. Selected by a committee of former DSTs based on dossiers containing curriculum vitae, teaching dossier, statement about how the nominee integrates research and teaching, external letters of support from distinguished scholars outside the university, and letters of support from current or past students. DSTs receive $5,000 to support scholarly and instructional activities; they also deliver a public address and may participate in an Honors seminar.

Aside from his major research contributions, Levermore is being honored for his distinguished advising of many PhDs and his curriculum work (along with Doron Levy and Ron Lipsman) on Math 246.   In Math 246, we have transitioned from a traditional text to an interactive web experience with text, problems, demos and videos.   The web experience is suited to the current generation, and provides student savings of over $150,000 per year.

Date & Time: TBA
Title: "Can We Model Uncertainty?"

Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions Summer School (OPSF-S6)
University of Maryland, College Park, MD
July 11-July 15, 2016

This program is for graduate students and post-docs. We expect to be able to fund up a number of students, early career researchers and students from third-world countries.

The OPSF summer schools are organized by the Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications (OPSFA) Steering Committee. The OPSF-S6 program consists of a one-week summer school for graduate students and early career researchers to be held in Summer 2016 on the campus of the University of Maryland. It will focus on orthogonal polynomials and special functions, and feature lectures delivered by top researchers in their fields.

More information can be found at this Summer School homepage here: