Roohollah Ebrahimian was selected to receive the Provost’s Excellence Award for Professional Track Faculty in recognition of his outstanding contributions and accomplishments in service.  The selection committee recognized his extraordinary service to the Math Department which includes his outreach activities - from elementary, middle and secondary school students, to undergraduate students.  The committee particularly noted leadership roles Roohollah played in the Maryland High School Math Competition and the Putnam Competition. 

Congratulations to Scott Wolpert who was appointed as a senior consultant for TPSE, a grant funded organization with the mission to promote change in mathematics education.

The article featuring more information about Scott's appointment can be read following this link: TPSE Wolpert

The University of Maryland's College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences (CMNS) announced its 2020 employee award recipients on May 6, 2020. Congratulations to all!  Justin Wyss-Gallifent recieved the 2020 CMNS Dean’s Outstanding Lecturer Award. 

The other awards can be viewed here:

Congratulations to our teams for their success in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) and Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM) 2020 competition. Maryland participated with three teams competing in the MCM. All teams were mentored by Radu Balan. The results are:

Meritorious Winner: Lily Northcutt, James Shen, Zifan Yu
Honorable Mention: Naveen Raman, Clarissa Xia, Sally Zhao
Successful Participant: Daniel Kraft, Matthew Marks, Aravind Ramakrishnan

Statistics of participation:
13749 teams worldwide participated in the MCM competition this year. Teams got to choose one out of three problems. Our top two teams competed in Problem A, where 3851 teams participated. The third team competed in Problem B together with 2453 other teams. All our 3 teams participated in the MCM competition.

Congratulations to all teams for their achievements and to many thanks to Radu for his dedicated service to the Math outreach program.

Karin Melnick of the University of Maryland, College Park, has been awarded the AMS Joan and Joseph Birman Fellowship for Women Scholars for the 2020–2021 academic year.

Melnick’s research is on differential-geometric aspects of rigidity. This work comprises global and local results relating the automorphisms of a differential-geometric structure with the geometric and topological properties of the space. Melnick also works in smooth dynamics, in which an invariant differential-geometric structure plays an important role in the proof of rigidity theorems. Melnick is a leader in research on the Lorentzian Lichnerowicz conjecture, a statement about conformal transformations of compact Lorentzian manifolds. Together with collaborators, she has developed new techniques in the setting of Cartan connections that have facilitated progress on this problem, as well as many results for other differential-geometric structures and general parabolic Cartan geometries.

Brief Biography of Karin Melnick:

Melnick received her PhD at the University of Chicago in 2006 under the direction of Benson Farb. With an NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, she went to Yale University as a Gibbs Assistant Professor. She received a Junior Research Fellowship from the Erwin Schrödinger Institute in the spring of 2009 and that fall began at the University of Maryland, where she is now an associate professor. Previously, Melnick has been awarded an AMS Centennial Fellowship and an NSF CAREER grant. She divides her time between the U.S. and Germany with her partner and their young child, and is very grateful for the flexibility provided by the Birman Fellowship and the opportunities it provides to advance her research and career goals.  

About the Fellowship:

Established in 2017, the AMS Joan and Joseph Birman Fellowship for Women Scholars seeks to give exceptionally talented women extra research support during their mid-career years. The primary selection criterion for the Birman Fellowship, which carries a stipend of US$50,000, is the excellence of the candidate’s research. Read an interview with Joan Birman about her decision to create the Fellowship with the goal of "helping more women mathematicians to develop their creative voices." See more information about the Fellowship.

Congratulations to Vadim Kaloshin for receiving an European Research Council (ERC) Advanced grant. The title of his project is “Spectral Rigidity and Integrability for Billiards and Geodesic Flows”.

The ERC Advanced grants are among the most prestigious grants awarded by the European union. These grants are highly competitive with a success rate of under 10%.  The number of grants awarded in Mathematics this year was 9.