March 16-19, 2016
Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland
College Park, MD

The Seminar on Stochastic Processes 2016 will be held on March 16-19, 2016 (Wednesday through Saturday) at the University of Maryland, in College Park. Apart from informal presentations by conference participants, there will be plenary talks by the following five invited speakers:

This conference will feature the sixth annual Kai Lai Chung Lecture honoring Kai Lai Chung's Mathematical career. Kai Lai Chung was one of the leading probabilists of the second half of the twentieth century and one of the founders of the Seminar on Stochastic Processes.

The main conference will be held on March 17-19, 2016.

On March 16 there will be a special set of tutorial lectures and discussions targeted at new researchers. These new research lectures will be given by Konstantin Khanin, University of Toronto.

The conference program can be found here.

For general information about this seminar series, please visit the main homepage for the Seminar on Stochastic Processes.

Participants are encouraged to give a short talk or present an open problem. Complete request on the registration form.

Sponsored by the Department of Mathematics of the University of Maryland and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics.

Women in Probability will be hosting a dinner during the 2016 Seminar on Stochastic Processes on Wednesday, March 16 at 6:30p. This is an organization for women active in probability research. Their primary purpose is to provide networking and mentoring opportunities for early career women. Their activities are funded by the NSF. For more information on Women in Probability and its activities, please visit their website


We can offset dinner costs for women graduate student and postdoc attendees. Anyone interested in participating in the dinner should please email Tai Melcher ( ).

Each year, our faculty and staff put in considerable effort on grants and awards proposals. Proposals are submitted to a variety of funding agencies. We recognize the following department members for their successful efforts. Congratulations! Click for complete list.

Distinguished Professor Emeritus Stuart Antman has been awarded the Lyapunov Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

The Lyapunov Award is given every two years by the Technical Committee on Multibody Systems and Nonlinear Dynamics (MSND-TC), which is part of the ASME Design Engineering Division. It recognizes lifetime contributions to the field of applied nonlinear dynamics.


Congratulations to sophomore Math major Keaton Ellis for placing first in the 2015 US national Rubik’s cube 3x3 one handed competition held in Hilton Head Island in South Carolina.

We regret to report the passing of Professor Emeritus Maurice Heins, who at one time held a distionguished professorship in complex analysis in our department. Maurice Heins received his PhD in mathematics from Harvard University in 1940.  He was a highly prolific scholar and enjoyed a long and distinguished career in academia.  His research interests were varied but focused primarily on complex and harmonic analysis.  He was the author of close to 100 research papers, published in the most prestigious journals, and three textbooks on complex analysis.  He is especially known for his work on Hardy classes of functions defined on Riemann surfaces and on conformal metrics. 

Professor Heins held academic positions at three major research universities: Brown University, the University of Illinois, and the University of Maryland, where he was recruited to a distinguished chair professorship.  He was invited to visiting positions and to give lectures at the major mathematics research centers in the United States and Europe, including the University of California Berkeley, Imperial College, London and the University of Paris.

Known for his kind and gentle demeanor, Professor Heins was widely sought as a mentor and advisor.  He was the thesis advisor for some nineteen students over the course of his career.  Although he retired from his professorship at the University of Maryland, he continued to pursue his research interests, publishing papers into the 1990s.  He was a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and also the American Mathematical Society.

A longer obituary may be found here.

The Inaugural William E. Kirwan Distinguished Undergraduate Lecture

Feuerbach’s Theorem: A Beautiful Theorem Deserves a Beautiful Proof" by Professor Douglas Hofstadter* on April 23rd, 2015 4:00-5:00pm in Physics 1412. 

Douglas Hofstadter is a College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor of Cognitive Science at Indiana University, Director of  the Center for Research on Concepts and Cognition, and the author of the Pulitzer Prizewinning book, Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid.

Watch the Kirwan Undergraduate Lecture >>
Watch the Colloquium Lecture >>